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CVS: FREE Energy Chews & BOGO coupon too!

I love energy drinks, so I know this will be a good one to pep me up during those crazy days . . . .

CVS has an unadvertised Extra Care Bucks (ECB) deal going on this month (until October 2!) for High Octane Energy Chews.

$1.99 Extra Care Buck (ECB) when you buy one 3 count at $1.99 (Limit 1) = FREE ENERGY CHEWS!!!

Plus if you go here you can print a Buy One Get One Free coupon (but it expires 8/31)!!! 

Have you ever tried 'em? If so, are they good?  Let us know!

(Thanks, Southern Savers!)


  1. I think these taste great! They are kind of like a Starburst but you can tell that they are low sugar and have lots of vitamins in them. For a supplement, they are awesome. Way better (and cheaper!) than 5 Hour Energy!

  2. Awesome! I can't wait to try them out!

  3. Hi Crunchy! Wanted you to be the first to know that the High Octane Energy BOGO coupon is back up on the website!
