This is what I call
extreme green!! A tree made out of recycled glass bottles :-)
There's no reason the holidays can't be a time of sustainability!
Here are some tips, just small things, that can make a big difference.

Make gift tags out of cut-down cards. You can be frugal AND green :-) Usually we have a whole stack of old Christmas cards and what a better way to give them a second life! I like to cut fun shapes out of whatever graphic is on the front, hole punch a corner and use them as gift tags.
Buy and recycle non-metallic wrapping paper. Metallic wrapping paper is super fun and attractive but hard to recycle, instead chose paper products that can later be recycled!
Decorate a tree for the birds. This is fun as a project for the kids too! Place seed bells, pine cones with peanut butter and seed trays on any tree in your yard, preferably in the open where cats can be seen easily by the birds. This offers an important food source for birds during the winter.
Choose alternatives to commercial gift wrap! There are so many options which are cost-free, attractive solutions. Gift bags can be made using fabric scraps, or wrapping can be made using comic strips, old calendars, maps, posters and more!
Have a couponing friend?? Wrap his/her gift in expired inserts for a good laugh!!
All of these tips can easily be done and most give a creative twist to gift-giving, which is sure to be appreciated!!
I'm dreaming of a green Christmas, are you?? ;-)
What are your "green" holiday tips??
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