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Red Plum: New Coupons (RARE Goya, McCormick, Starbucks VIA & More!)
Red Plum just released a bunch of new coupons! Head on over here to grab the ones you want!
These two caught my eye:

My current favorite smoothie uses these two ingredients, so I'm excited! There are never any great deals on coconut milk!

Creamy Choco-Banana Smoothie 
this is my version based on the recipe from Great Expectations: Best Food for Your Baby & Toddler: From First Foods to Meals Your Child Will Love (my fav baby book with really healthy recipes!) 

1 frozen banana
1 T. honey
2 cups milk (I like almond milk or soy milk)
2 T. coconut milk (use the coupon!)
1/4 t. vanilla or almond extract (use the coupon!)
2 T. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 t. cinnamon

Blend & enjoy.

With the leftover coconut milk, you can freeze it in an ice cube tray so you'll have a perfectly proportioned amount for your next smoothie!
Also, look for the very ripe "manager's special" bananas. Peel & freeze them in chunks. (They're super cheap and just right for the smoothie!)

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